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When is DUI a Felony in Maryland?
Driving under the influence(DUI) is a serious offense in Maryland, and understanding the circumstances that elevate DUI to a felony is important not only for drivers in the state but also for anyone charged with DUI. Several factors can lead to felony DUI charges, including having a child passenger, repeat offenses, and extreme DUI situations. Regardless of whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony DUI charges, a qualified attorney can help you fight the charges and protect your freedoms.
DUI with a Child Passenger
One of the most significant factors that can turn DUI into a felony in Maryland is having a child passenger in the vehicle. The law considers this a severe offense due to the additional risks posed to minors. Key points to consider include:
Is Domestic Violence the Same as Assault?
Navigating the legal landscape can be difficult, especially when it comes to understanding terms like "assault" and "domestic violence." In Maryland, these terms refer to different legal scenarios, and knowing the distinctions can be crucial for those who may be facing criminal charges. While both involve harmful actions, the principal difference lies in the relationship between the alleged victim and the alleged offender. If you are facing charges, contact a lawyer as soon as you can.
Defining Assault in Maryland
In Maryland, assault is classified into two degrees: first-degree assault and second-degree assault. First-degree assault is the more serious of the two and involves an attempt to cause serious bodily harm or the use of a deadly weapon with the intention to inflict injury. First-degree assault can lead to severe legal consequences, often involving lengthy prison sentences.
Is Driving While High on Marijuana Illegal in Maryland?
With the legalization of recreational marijuana in Maryland, many people are left wondering about the implications of its use, especially when it comes to driving high. While adults can legally possess and use marijuana, driving under the influence remains illegal. Law enforcement officers are vigilant about keeping the roads safe, and those suspected of driving high on marijuana can face serious penalties. If you are facing charges related to allegedly driving under the influence of marijuana, contacting a lawyer to understand the charges and potential defense strategies is essential.
Marijuana-Related DUI Offenses in Maryland
In Maryland, driving under the influence (DUI) of marijuana is treated similarly to alcohol-related offenses. Maryland law prohibits operating a vehicle while impaired by drugs, including cannabis. Police may decide to charge a driver with DUI based on evidence of impairment, even if there is no alcohol involved in the situation. The penalties can include fines, a suspended license, and potential jail time, making it important to approach any charges in a strategic way.
Differences Between Voluntary and Involuntary Manslaughter
Manslaughter is a serious criminal charge, and in Maryland, it is categorized into two types: voluntary and involuntary. Both forms involve the unlawful killing of another person, but they differ significantly in terms of intent, circumstances, and potential legal consequences. Understanding these differences is crucial if you are facing such charges, as is hiring an aggressive and experienced criminal defense attorney.
Voluntary Manslaughter: A Crime of Passion
Definition and Elements
Voluntary manslaughter occurs when a person intentionally kills another person but does so in the "heat of passion," provoked by a situation that would similarly provoke a reasonable person. The defining characteristic here is the presence of adequate provocation, which causes a loss of self-control.
Three Common Issues with DUI Blood Tests in Maryland
Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are serious offenses. In Maryland, as in many states, blood tests can play an important role in proving or disproving these allegations. Contrary to popular belief, blood tests are not foolproof. Several common issues can arise with DUI blood tests that can significantly affect the results and consequent legal proceedings. Remember, if you are facing DUI charges, a Maryland DUI defense lawyer can assist you.
The Problem with Field and Police Station Blood Tests
One significant issue with DUI blood tests is the setting in which they are conducted. Ideally, blood draws should occur in a medical environment to ensure proper hygiene, technique, and condition control. However, in some DUI cases in Maryland, blood samples might be taken in the field or at a police station.