Silver Spring Criminal Defense Attorneys
Criminal Defense Attorney Defending Clients in Silver Spring, MD
Facing a criminal court can be intensely intimidating, especially if this is your first offense or you are charged with a very serious crime. Even a misdemeanor charge can get you sent to jail if you are convicted. Felony charges can be life-ruining. Fortunately, you have the right to be represented by an attorney. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can take steps to ensure that your rights are protected, that any defenses you have do not escape the court's attention, and that you do not face unreasonably harsh sentencing.
The Law Offices of Gerstenfield & Demirji, PC. is highly experienced in bringing about the best outcomes possible for people who have been charged with a crime. Our dedicated Montgomery County, MD criminal defense lawyers will do all we can to help you and to take the fear out of facing the court. We analyze each case carefully to find the best defense strategy possible, taking your preferences into account at every stage.
DUI and Traffic Crimes Attorneys
Traffic crimes, such as reckless driving, can cause a lot of problems. You could face a steep fine, have your insurance premiums increase, or risk losing your license. Juveniles are often charged with offenses like driving on a learner's permit without supervision or excessive speeding.
DUIs and DWIs are more serious than most other traffic offenses. Driving drunk or driving after using drugs are seen as great risks to the public's safety. DUI can even be charged as a felony in some circumstances, like if someone was injured, if you had a child in the car, or if you had a very high BAC.
Law Firm for Weapons-Related and Violent Offenses
Crimes involving weapons or violence are taken particularly seriously due to the fact that someone was or could have been hurt or killed. The least serious of the violent offenses is misdemeanor assault, which is charged when the victim was not seriously hurt, no weapons were used, and the victim and defendant do not share a domestic relationship. If the defendant and victim were related, lived in the same household, or had dated, domestic violence is more likely to be charged. If the victim was seriously injured, or if the defendant had a weapon, felony assault charges are likely.
Using or showing a weapon while committing any other offense can mean that you will be charged with a weapons felony, even if you did not use the weapon to hurt anyone or the underlying offense was nonviolent in nature. Less serious weapons crimes include carrying a weapon - including mace - without a permit and having a weapon on school grounds. More serious weapons crimes include possessing a destructive ordnance such as a bomb or possessing a weapon after being convicted of certain felonies.
Attorneys for Sex Crimes
No type of crime can destroy your reputation and career prospects faster than a sex offense. Crimes like rape, child pornography, online solicitation of a minor, and sexual assault can all leave you on the sex offender's registry for at least 15 years. Many people accused of sex crimes choose to go to trial and fight for acquittal.
Drug-Related Misdemeanors and Felonies
Drug crime is exceedingly common in Maryland, as our state has been hit hard by the addiction epidemic. Fortunately, people accused of simple possession for the first time no longer face mandatory minimum sentencing, and diversion programs are increasingly an option. However, those charged with more serious drug crimes, like distribution and trafficking, still risk long prison sentences.
Contact an Experienced Montgomery County, MD Criminal Defense Lawyer
The Law Offices of Gerstenfield & Demirji, PC. will fight to uphold your rights and deliver the best results possible in your case. Our dedicated criminal defense attorneys serve clients in Rockville, Silver Spring, Gaithersburg, and the surrounding areas. Contact us at 301-589-9500 for a complimentary consultation.